Deep Breathing
The answer to the question everyone is asking, how do you increase the intensity of your orgasm ?, is deep breaths. It sounds so simple, yet before we get into the detailed practice of implementing deep breaths as arousal increases, let's really understand how to breath deeply.
I thought I was breathing deeply until I really learned how to take a deep breath. Also referred to as belly breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, or abdominal breathing, deep breathing engages the muscle the diaphragm. This muscle is "a dome-shaped, muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals. It plays a major role in breathing, as its contraction increases the volume of the thorax and so inflates the lungs."
To begin, we must quietly observe the quality of our breathing. Become aware of your breath, focus your attention on the physical act of breathing and slow your mind. Follow your breath in through the nostrils, feel it in your sinuses, on the back of your throat, filling your lungs. Be aware of your exhale, feel any tension in your body, any sounds your breath might make and the rhythm of these motions. Now that you have shifted your consciousness to respiration you can begin to implement deep breathing.
Deep Breathing
b.) Inhale through the nose into the lungs and down into the belly. By engaging your diaphragm, your belly will expand like a balloon. The hand(s) on your belly should rise and the hand on chest should remain relatively still. As your abdomen expands, take in as much air as you comfortably can.
c.) Exhale through the mouth, letting your belly relax, lightly contacting your abdominal muscles as you breath out as completely as possible. The hand(s) on belly should lower as your belly deflates.
d.) Repeat 3 times and work towards a regular practice of up to 10 minutes at a time and 4 times a day.
Practice strengthens and trains the muscles used as with any other form of exercise but instead of breaking a sweat and increasing ones heart rate, you decrease your heart rate ultimately feeling much more relaxed. Deep breathing "can help strengthen your diaphragm muscles and result in you breathing more efficiently overall. The exercise can also be calming, as you'll end up spending 5 or 10 minute intervals focusing solely on your breath." As you feel more comfortable with deep breathing, you can practice it without using your hands as a physical or visual guide and can implement it at any time during the day. It "is said to be the body's most natural way of breathing. The stomach area rises and falls without effort. Many people breathe this way when they are sleeping or relaxed, but through habit, clothing that is restrictive around the waist, poor posture, or conditions that weaken the muscles involved in breathing, people may not breathe deeply." Again, this is why we bring our awareness to our breath and must practice deep breathing regularly.
This is a basic breath exercise that acts as a stepping stone to many other breathing exercises and techniques. From this we can add variations where you hold the breath between the inhale and the exhale. You can begin to count the length of each step either in equal lengths or increasing the exhale. The addition of visualization with breath, vocalizations, increasing chest expansion and movement are just a few more advanced techniques. With each of these variations on the breath, different outcomes can be achieved that influence other systems in your body.
Hope you enjoy this video, and until next time, keep exercising your breath!
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