On my 40th birthday I literally thought that
going into a deprivation tank would be the most wonderful possible experience
to finally achieve some peace and quiet. Not knowing what I know now about the
other interpretations of vibrational clutter, I was strictly going to relieve
myself of the physical noise and demand that being a Mom of two young children inflicts. I was so excited to try out floating as it is
called. I had made my appointment months before and as a family we drove down
to Victoria that morning and would be spending the night in one of our favorite
hotels. It was a birthday treat like no other, a complete unfolding of my
truest desires of what turning 40 should look like to me.
What I was about to experience would set me
on a path of self-discovery that I couldn’t even begin to imagine. To my surprise, I didn’t achieve the great
silence that I so longed for, instead I tuned my hearing onto myself, and
little did I know, I had a lot to say! When I first entered the room that my float
tank was in, I was delighted by the spectrum of colours that illuminated the
room. The warm, dampness and gentle
music that surrounded me made it easy to comfortably transition to complete
nakedness and ease into the salty water of the tank. With excited anticipation, I lowered the tank
lid and proceeded to relax into the water, to find my float. It was very natural to feel confident that
the warm water would support my body. The lights and music still soothed me and
all seemed well. Slowly the darkness
came in and the music dimmed. My awareness shifted to my body. As I relaxed
deeper and deeper into the float, various muscles would spasm to release. Each time
my relaxation would deepen. I could hear my breath. I could hear my heart beat.
I could hear the ringing in my ears.
My attention buzzed around inside my head with thoughts of
this and that until I recognized that I needed to slow them down. I needed to try
and meditate. So I began to capture each thought in a bubble and let it float away.
Not dwell on any thought in particular but rather release each one as it arose.
I took a few deep breaths and shifted my attention to my breathing. It sounded incredibly
loud in the silence. I brought my awareness
deeper into my body, something I had not done for many years. I was taught that when going to sleep, it
could be helpful to lay a hand on each chakra, beginning at the base of your
spine and slowly working your way up until you fall asleep. Where your hands were
when you fell asleep indicated which chakra was feeling depleted. So instead of physically using my hands and having
to move my body while floating, I focused my attention on my chakras.
With each one I noticed different sensations
that would awake. Linked with those were memories of people and places. They
would be summoned up and I would notice them and then let them go. Chakra by
chakra I would slowly shift my attention up my body. When I got to my heart
chakra, the sensation of sadness overwhelmed me. Again, it was that beautiful feeling of pure
love completely torn apart with intense hurt. At that moment I knew that my
energy was blocked there, in my heart. I
immediately recognized that without clearing this block I would remain mute and
disconnected with all of the chakras above that point. I knew that from this moment on, I had to
reconnect with the energy and spiritual practices that I had long buried for
fear of disappointment. A sense of
relief washed over me, my tears mixed with the salt water of the float tank and
the salty water stung my eyes. My healing journey was underway again, but my
float was not over. There was more that my mind wanted to reveal to me.
This is a excerpt from a larger project that I am working on. If you would like to one of the first people to be notified about when that project is released, please subscribe to my mailing list.
Until then, keep exercising your breath.
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